Podcasting Smarter

The podcast for podcasters, by podcasters. Podcast Smarter is the official in-house podcast by Podbean with podcasting interviews, best practices and helpful tips. Podbean is a podcast publishing and monetization service, hosting almost 600,000 podcasts.  If you’re looking to start your own podcast, monetize your podcast and livestream directly to your listeners, you can set up an account at podbean.com  To contact Podcasting Smarter with questions get in contact at podcastingsmarter@podbean.com

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Friday Nov 30, 2018

Hello podpals! On this episode,  I am being joined by Eric Hunley of the Unstructured Podcast! Jen and Shannon were interviewed on his podcast at Podcast Movement 2018, and it was about time Jen returned the favor. You can check out Jen and Shannon's episode all about Podbean HERE. Podcasters will learn a lot of from this interview--including how Unstructured got to over 10,000 Facebook fans. 
Eric's Podcasting Smarter Tips: 
Eric is a fan of this podcast. Smart! :) 
It tool Eric 10 yrs to launch because of imposter syndrome. Now he is about to publish his 100th episode in just 9 months. 
He finds his guests in a variety of ways including facebook groups, previous guests, events, and reaching out to people he finds fascinating. 
Although he has been lucky to bank episodes, he prefers to publish them as quickly as possible so that of his show is going in a direction that isn't working he can catch it sooner. 
Eric uses Squadcast to record remote interviews and really likes the video feature that allows you to see your guest during the interview.
It's a long game. 
Eric does hours of research on each guest to ensure that his episodes are very high quality. Just because a podcast has a modest audience does not mean it is not a quality podcast.  
Eric puts systems in place to save him time by always scheduling his social media posts at the same time so he maintains consistency in his podcast promotion. 
Eric bought a Facebook ad which resulted in him having over 10,000 fans on Unstructured's Facebook page. He outlines the process. Although he ended up with an unengaged audience, he finds value in the vanity metric for attracting high quality guests. 
Eric also has a Facebook group which has become not only a resource for great interview questions, but the members have become real friends. 
Although Eric spends hours preparing, he does not provide guests with pre-interview questions because he wants an authentic conversation. 
He uses social media to market his podcast, and has noticed some increased traction on LinkedIn. He also chooses his release time so that it reaches the most time zones at an ideal time for listening. 
Guests don't always have professional headshots. Bummer. 
He subscribes to a service called Dlvrtit to help him with the quality of his Twitter content to free up some of his time for engaging. 
When you attend a podcast conference don't look to get anything out of it. Go into it thinking, "What can I give". 
Eric is writing a book about how to be a great podcast interviewer! Stay tuned for that! 
Eric's Theoretical Podcast About His Life: Pattern Recognition
Eric's Fantasy Podcaster: Mark Twain
Follow Unstructured on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! 

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018

We've got an industry expert joining Jen on this episode! 
James Cridland is a radio futurologist - a writer, consultant and public speaker on radio’s future. He is also the Managing Editor of podnews.net, a daily podcast newsletter, and runs media.info, a media information website.
In this episode James shares: 
What is exciting him about podcasting. 
Stats that will blow your mind! 
The relationship between radio and podcasting 
His podcasting pet peeves. 
How podcasters should define success
How smart speakers can impact your podcast 
The truth about stats
How podcasting is different from radio, and how we need to understand how that impacts advertising on podcast 
His wildest, most controversial media predictions! 
Listen to James' podcast HERE
You can also find him on Twitter, Linked In, Flickr and last.fm.

Saturday Sep 29, 2018

Happy International Podcast Day! It's also Vernon's birthday--how fitting! We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than producing a podcast on our favorite day of the year. It also gave Jen and Vernon an opportunity to spill the Podbeans on some recent Podbean updates as well as some podcast industry news. Thanks for joining us! 
Spilled Podbeans: 
Podbean recently enhanced its FREE podcast hosting plan to make it even more friendly to the beginner podcaster. 
You can now see your listener comments in your dashboard (in addition to the Podbean app.)
We've made our Podbean stats even better with comparison views and more geo data! 
Have you considered making an Alexa Flash Briefing for you podcast? Learn all about it on this guest blog post by The Alexa Guy! 
Speaking of smart speakers--as podcasters we may need to adjust our shows as people start listening to our shows differently. Thanks to smart speakers, family and friends can now listen to podcasts together in a more social way. 
Have you heard talk about a podcast bubble? After Buzzfeed laid off its podcast team, we started hearing murmors of a podcast bubble. We chat about our take on those rumours. 
Do you have a podcasting question? Feel free to email Jen at jennifer@podbean.com. We will be sure to discuss your question on the show and mention your podcast too. :)  
Thanks for listening and subscribing. You can listen on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and wherever you listent to podcasts. 

Friday Sep 21, 2018

Today I get to chat with Podbean podcaster, Mike Troy who is the sole host and producer of the American Revolution Podcast: A chronological history of the Revolutionary War. Although Mike's family isn't into history like he is, he found a community of people who love history, and his podcast. Mike also shares a secret..one that is deeply buried on the internet. 
Podcasting Smarter Tips From Mike: 
To prep for the launch of his podcast, Mike wrote 100, yes 100 episode scripts in advance of his first recording. Impressive! 
As a solo podcaster, Mike imagines people listening and responding which got him comfortable solo hosting. He also has a script prepared and edits on the fly as needed with Audacity. 
Podcasting helped Mike become a better everyday speaker--another benefit of podcasting! 
Because Mike is very organized and well planned, Podbean's scheduling featured allows him to produce his episodes in advance of his publish date, and schedule them accordingly. Smart podcasting! 
The podcast helped Mike get out of his shell. Introverted and shy by nature, Mike found a community of fellow history buffs on and off line thanks to his podcast. 
Mike is active on social media and successfully connects with his audience online. Without the podcast, his knowledge of social media would never have happened. 
Don't focus on your downloads for the first 6 months. Just focus on producing a good episode every time. The numbers will come. Be patient. 
Hypothetical Podcast About Mike's Life: "Keep Plugging" 
Mike's Fantasy Podcaster: Thomas Paine
You can listen to the American Revolution Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts including Podbean, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. Follow the podcast on Twitter and join the Facebook Group! 

Friday Aug 31, 2018

On this episode Jen gets to chat with Kim Drobes who is the co-host and executive producer of the RoShamBo podcast which features unique competitions and extraordinary competitors. Only ten episodes in, Kim's background in radio and a previous podcast gave her all the skills she needed for a successful podcast launch! 
Kim's Podcasting Smarter Tips: 
Treat your podcast like a business. Set money aside to spend on the show, and come up with a launch plan. Kim and her co-host Ted each contributed $1,000 to invest in the podcast. Find out how they spent the money! 
Plan a launch party! Not only is it a way for you to celebrate the work that went into starting your show, but it also gives you the opportunity to get friends and family excited, thank the people that helped you, and even attract your first fans. 
Consider a long running Facebook ad. We aren't talking about boosting a post. Kim spent several hundred dollars on a long running, highly targeted ad through Facebook Ads Manager. But first, they produced a nice video using the Headliner App. 
Kim and Ted also spent time creating a nice website on Squarespace. Check it out.
Having a launch plan also gave them time to work out mistakes. For instance, Squarespace was great for their website, but didn't work so well as a hosting platform. That's when they switched to Podbean. :) 
The launch plan also included distribution--before officially launching, they made sure their podcast was in all the places--including Apple, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeart, Spotify, etc. 
They also produced a lot of content in advance so they could launch their show and schedule their pre-produced episodes smoothly. 
Kim wanted to produce the kind of show that she likes to listen to. Her episodes are highly produced, and thanks to her radio background, she has the skills to produce her ideal show. 
Kim's advice to new podcasters: Just start! Starting is the harder part. Don't get bogged down in all the nuances and the desire for it to be perfect. Have a plan, make it happen. You can always delete it later. 
Surprise Questions:
Kim's hypothetical podcast about her life: Travel and Ping Pong
Kim's fantasy podcaster: Her grandmother! 
Kim's Favorite RoShamBo episode: Frozen Dead Guys Days' Coffin Race
You can listen to RoShambo wherever you listen to podcasts and you can find them on social media @roshambopodcast on all platforms. 

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018

Jen and Vernon are fresh from their experience at Podcast Movement 2018 with lots of news to share! After 5 years producing The Social Strategy Podcast, Vernon calls it quits and tells us why. He is also excited to announce the launch of his new podcast, The Space Between! We also learn that there is no shame in pod fading, there is only shame in doing something that no longer inspires you. 
Podbean recently launched PodAds, and it has a lot of podcasters talking! PodAds was designed to help the indie podcaster monetize their show, and help the local advertiser reach audiences located in specific areas of the United States and the world. It's all very exciting and Jen and Vernon break down how it works, and encourage you to check it out for yourself. 
Podbean contributed to Rev's FREE Podcasting 101 Guide along with Resonate Recordings, Samson, Podcast Engineering School, and Social Media Rescue. The guide is available on Rev's site--no email required! While you are there you can enter for a chance to win a podcast launch package with items from all the contributors, including a year of free hosting (Unlimited Audio Plan) and a featured spot on Podbean's App, from Podbean! 
Vernon is excited about speaking at B&H Photo on August 2nd at 1pm in New York City for their recorded workshop: Connect, Communicate and Create: Starting Your Podcast Sponsored by Samson 
Thanks for listening to another episode of Podcasting Smarter! Be sure to subscribe on Podbean, iTunes or Stitcher! You can message us through Twitter @Podbeancom if you have any questions you want answered on the show. :) 

Saturday Jun 30, 2018

On this episode of Podcasting Smarter, Jen is joined by Jon Thurmond. Jon is the co-host of the HR Social Hour Podcast where he and fellow HR-pro Wendy Dailey talk to other HR professionals about connecting, giving back, and building your network. Jon is also a co-host on the long-running Star Joes Podcast which is a show dedicated to Star Wars, G.I. Joe, and everything in between.
Jon's Podcasting Confession: Jon failed to hit record on his fourth episode with a great guest. Luckily his guest was happy to record again, and improve on his first podcast interview. 
Jon's Podcasting Smarter Tips: 
Before he hit record for the first time, Jon and Wendy hopped on Skype and practiced so they could work on their timing and be confident that their podcast was professional sounding from the beginning 
Jon knew there were a lot of HR podcasts out there already so he know it was important to find a hook. He and Wendy chose to concentrate on humanizing their industry and building community. 
The HR Social Hour Podcast came about after Jon created a weekly Twitter Chat, #HRSocialHour in order to connect with other HR professionals that like him, were not able to attend SHRM, a large, annual HR conference. That twitter chat was so successful, that it inspired the idea for a complementary podcast. 
Podcasters may want to consider starting their own Twitter Chats as a way to connect with their audience. Be sure to advertise the date/time, and attach a hashtag to it. Jon uses the tool, Wakelet, to capture the content from his Twitter chats. 
Jon has benefitted professionally from his podcast. He even got invited to be part if the Blog Squad for this year's SHRM Conference in Chicago. This gave him the opportunity to connect with respected leaders in his industry. 
His biggest piece of advice is to do our homework. It is easy to start a podcast, but difficult to keep it going unless you prepare by organizing your time, planning your content, and committing to being consistent. 
Jon's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: "The Professional B.S. Podcast"
Jon's Fantasy Podcaster: Hal Needham
Check our the HR Social Hour Podcast on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher! Follow HR Social Hour on Facebook, and you can find Jon on Twitter too!  You can also listen to Star Joes Podcast in all the places as well! :) 
Remember, you can join Jon and Wendy the 4th Sunday of each month at 7 PM Eastern for the #HRSocialHour chat on Twitter!  See how they do it, and consider starting your own! 

Thursday May 31, 2018

This week Jen talks to Dan Brenic, co-host of Netflix 'N Swill. Dan and his podcast partner, Caleb started podcasting after being inspired by their friends, The Epic Film Guys--another podcast in the Podbean Family. 
Key Podcasting Smarter Tips From This Episode: 
Dan prefers remote recording with Discord much better than Skype, and he tells us why he likes it so much better than Skype. 
Use decent mics--Dan uses the ATR2100 (so does Jen!) #micbonding
In the competitive genre of movie and T.V. review podcasts, it helped them to specialize in Netflix programming, and it happened to work for them as active Netflix subscribers. 
To market their podcast, Dan and Caleb use their Facebook Page, Twitter, and some Instagram. They also contribute to the community associated with the hashtag #PodernFamily. Twitter is working for them the best. 
They are constantly searching for new ways to market their show in order to reach new listeners. He feels they can only go so far with an existing audience. 
You are doing yourself and your listeners a disservice if you don't listen back to your podcast episodes. It is the most efficient way to improve your broadcasting skills, and speech patterns. 
They are currently monetized through listen support via Podbean's Patron program and Patreon. However, their podcast is not dependent on listener support, but it lets them know they are doing something right to have it. 
They got creative with their Patron rewards by coming up with rewards that engage their listeners by allowing them to choose what painful movies and shows they have to watch next. Fun! 
Dan's most sage piece of advice to concentrate on good audio quality because good content doesn't matter if it's painful to listen to. 
Dan's hypothetical podcast about his life: "Oh Boy: The Dan Brenic Story"
Dan's Fantasy Podcaster(s): The Founding Fathers
Please connect with Dan, and listen to Netflix 'N Swill here: 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/netflixnswill
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/netflixnswill/
Podbean: https://netflixnswill.podbean.com/
Website: https://www.netflixnswill.com/
Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Podcasting Smarter! If you have an idea for a topic, or know a Podbean podcaster who has something to share, please email Jennifer at jennifer@podbean.com 

Friday Apr 27, 2018

Jen and Vernon from the Podbean team, co-host this episode, and delve into the reasons people may be unsubscribing to your show based on unscientific data from a Reddit thread. After that they discuss more scientific data derived from the 2018 Podcast Consumer Report by Edison Research. 
Podcasting Smarter Tips For Not Losing Listeners: 
Make sure your audio quality is good. It doesn't have to be studio quality, but it should be pleasant to listen to and easy to understand with a consistent, level volume. 
Unless you have a political podcast, be careful how much time you spend on your political opinions. 
Listen back to your show so you can catch vocal ticks, mouth noises, heavy breathing--all things that can distract from yoru content. 
Show your personality! If you are a boring host, your listenership will suffer despite the content quality.
Put on your positive pants! Being angry, ranting, and sharing a lot of negativity might be entertaining at first, but that negative energy can repel listeners. 
Too many ads can cost you listeners. Sponsors are great, and we love to see shows attract sponsors, and even most listeners understand that sponsors help keep the shows they love going strong. But, there seems to be a tipping point when the ads start detracting from the content. 
A couple we didn't get to on the show:
Hosts that constantly talk over each other are a big listener turn off. 
You may lose listeners when you stop releasing on a predictable schedule. 
Listeners get annoyed when hosts don't stay on topic and forget about what the fans are tuning in for. 
Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Podcasting Smarter! If you have an idea for a topic, or know a Podbean podcaster who has something to share, please email Jennifer at jennifer@podbean.com 

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018

Hey pod pals! After having the privilege of being a guest on her podcast, Lorraine Ball is joining me on this episode for a friendly episode swap! Lorraine is the host of the podcast, More Than A Few Words, a marketing conversation for business owners, AND a production of her marketing company, RoundPeg. Lorraine is a great sport during "podcast confessions", and is generous with what she has experienced and learned after years of producing a show to complement her marketing agency. 
Podcasting Smarter Tips From Lorraine: 
Don't be afraid to experiment with formats for the longevity and success of your show. Keep what works and dump what doesn't.
Initially, her podcast allowed her to showcase companies she worked with, and they would often return the professional favor by mentioning her company on their marketing channels.
Live call in shows are a bad idea. 
Longer shows are not always better. Her show improved when she gave herself permission to do a shorter show and to edit out the less compelling parts of a recording. 
Know why you are podcasting, and let that direct all of your decisions. 
She started including the podcast in RoundPeg's weekly newsletter and it drastically improved the open rates. 
Her podcast has helped her land clients.  
She now makes social media graphics for her guests. The images showcase them nicely, making it more likely for them to promote their episode. 
More than anything else, have fun. If you are enjoying the show, your guests will too. 
Lorraine's hypothetical podcast about her life: "Well, I Didn't Expect That!"
Lorraine's Fantasy Podcaster: Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
Listen to More Than A Few Words on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher! 

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